HIPAA Compliant eSignature

HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is essential for protecting patient information. For those in healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, compliance is crucial. Let's explore what HIPAA entails, who needs to follow it, the risks of using third-party eSignatures solutions and how our on-premises solution can help you fully comply with HIPAA regulations.

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA, enacted in 1996, sets the standard for protecting sensitive nt data. Any organization handling protected health information (PHI) must ensure this data remains confidential and secure.

Who needs to comply with HIPAA?

  • Healthcare Providers: Doctors, clinics, dentists and more.
  • Health Plans: Insurance companies, HMOs, Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Healthcare Clearinghouses: Organizations that process health information.
  • Business Associates: Third-party service providers handling PHI on behalf of a covered entity.

How eSignature solutions are used in the Healthcare industry?

eSignature solutions have become invaluable in the healthcare industry for various applications including

Patient consent forms

Streamlining the process of obtaining patient consent for treatments, surgeries and sharing medical records.

Medical record updates

Facilitating quick and secure updates to patient records by authorized personnel.

Prescription authorizations

Allowing doctors to electronically sign and send prescriptions to pharmacies, reducing errors and delays.

Administrative documentation

Simplifying the signing and management of administrative documents such as insurance forms, patient intake forms and HR paperwork.

Telehealth services

Enhancing telehealth by enabling remote patient interactions and documentations, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

The risks of using third-party eSignature solutions

Many eSignature solutions require data to be sent to third-party servers. This means PHI could be exposed during the signing process, posing a significant risk. Any eSignature solutions like DocuSign, PandaDoc, and Dropbox Sign, while HIPAA compliant, still have access to patient data during the process, which could lead to potential vulnerabilities.

How security can go wrong with third-party solutions

Despite claims of compliance, using third-party eSignatures solutions can lead to several security issues:

  • Data Breaches: If the third-party provider is compromised, your PHI could be exposed.
  • Compliance Gaps: Third-party solutions may not fully align with your specific compliance requirements, leading to potential violations.
  • Lack of Control: You have limited control over how and where your data is stored and processed, increasing all risks.
  • Service Interruptions: Relying on an external provider means you are subject to their uptime and service quality, which can impact your operations.

How DocuSeal on-premises solution solves these issues

DocuSeal offer an on-premises eSignature solution designed to keep your data entirely within your control

Total data control

Host DocuSeal Pro on-premises on your servers, ensuring PHI never leaves your secure environment.

HIPAA compliance

DocuSeal web app can be deployed within your HIPAA compliant environment so that you can be sure your requirements are met.


Tailored to fit your existing IT setup, integrating seamlessly without major disruptions.


By keeping everything in-house, you eliminate the risk of relying on third-party providers, reducing downtime or service interruptions

Other benefits of On-premises solution

Other than the points mentioned above, a few other benefits include

Reduced Dependency

On-premises eliminates the third-party eSignature solution dependency and the risks associated with third-party service interruptions and potential vulnerabilities.

Cost Efficiency

Long-term savings by reducing dependency on external service fee and potential costs related to data breaches. DocuSeal Pro On-premises has a simple pricing model.


Easily adapt and scale the solution to meet the growing needs of your organization without compromising security or compliance.

Is on-premises too technically complex for your business?

No, we've designed a simple and rebust on-premises installation process. DocuSeal team will support you throughout the entire installation process.

Seamless deployment

With our most popular PaaS installation you can deploy DocuSeal on-premises with a single click. We also provide a Docker image which allows you to deploy DocuSeal anywhere you need.

Installation support

If you require assistance with on-premises installation, we can connect you with our skilled partners that can help you with the installation process.

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